Teen Titans S3 Episode 12-13 REACTION

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  1. Young Justice is good but like… Only season 1, maybe 2. Batman brave and the bold seems up their alley. I’d love Generator Rex tbh. But I feel like that’s something for after Ben 10

  2. The only reason Teen Titans Go is even still around is because they are targeting a very young audience and they have a lot of merchandise which of course kids would want, if they didn’t have that very young audience Teen Titans Go would’ve been dead at this point, meanwhile Teen Titans (which is obviously the better show) it has great stories, great character development for all the titans shoot almost each titan had their own season focused on that specific titan, this season was focused a lot on Cyborg, that show has all that and it gets the boot and it got replaced with some brain dead cartoon with the Teen Titans IP slapped on it.

  3. There’s a smorgasbord of shows I’d like you guys to see. But there are 3 that I would love to just because of how amazing they are and were part of my nostalgia, mostly.
    Code lyoko, OK KO, and TMNT 2012

  4. It’s always bugged me that Bumblebee told Cyborg “there’s not a man alive who can tell me what to do” but she still got mind-controlled in these eps anyway. Granted, she was the only one shown to kind of break free but still… Always got to me.

  5. Since someone already mentioned it. Season 1 Robin
    Season 2 Terra (her sesaon is hers not a mix) Season 3 Cyborg. I won’t say about Season 4 and 5 but the movie is considered the canceled Season for a character and comes last.

  6. Season 1 Robin’s arc
    Season 2 Terra’s arc
    Season 3 Cyborg’s arc
    Season 4 Raven’s arc
    Season 5 Beast Boy’s arc

    Season 6 was supposed to center on Starfire with Blackfire as the main antagonist

    1. The teen titans go lasted longer is because it’s easier to make, it’s only comedy, design for way younger audiences. It’s also something to binge, there are no substance to it at all because it has 400 episodes doesn’t mean shit. Make more money from little children that’s all.

  7. Not a spin-off, but Titans East was a thing in the comics. The first iteration was a group of rebellious heroes fighting against an evil main Teen Titans group in the future. The second Titans East was a group of villains led by Slade to get revenge on the Teen Titans (but actually, it was to secure his daughter’s place on their team since he knew he could never raise her).

    Young Justice differs from Teen Titans because TT started as a group of sidekicks getting together, while YJ was a lot more laid-back and started as just a handful of characters before more joined them- then the team disbanded, and some of them just joined TT. By this time, the original TT had already aged out and left but served as mentors at times.

    1. Oh and in that first iteration, the team is led by a future Cyborg and Bumblebee while the Titans Tomorrow has Batman (grown 3rd Robin), Animal Man (grown Beast Boy), Dark Raven, and a lot of characters probably not on your radar

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